

Where can I learn about Cape Verdean Creole (CVC) online?

The following pages offer basic instruction in CVC, for learning the alphabet, introductory phrases, or translation.

CVC only:

Ministeriu di Kultura YouTube Channel: Prugrama Lé y Skrebi Lingua Kabuverdianu (online)

A series of videos introducing the official Cape Verdean alphabet, ALUPEC, from the Cape Verdean Ministry of Culture.

Alfabétu Kabuverdianu, available in English, Portuguese, and CVC (online)

A detailed written introduction to the official Cape Verdean alphabet, ALUPEC, from the Cape Verdean Association for the Translation of the Bible.


Alfabétu Kabuverdianu, available in English, Portuguese, and CVC (online)

A detailed written introduction to the official Cape Verdean alphabet, ALUPEC, from the Cape Verdean Association for the Translation of the Bible.

English to Kriolu Dictionary (pdf)

A 48-page English-CVC dictionary, from Serra Malagueta National Park.

English-CVC Phrases (online)

A collection of introductory phrases, verbs, numbers, etc., with CVC and English translations.


Dictionnaire créole/français (online)

An online CVC-French dictionary.


Alfabétu Kabuverdianu, available in English, Portuguese, and CVC (online)

A detailed written introduction to the official Cape Verdean alphabet, ALUPEC, from the Cape Verdean Association for the Translation of the Bible.

"ALUPEC num clic," in Portuguese and CVC (pdf)

A written introduction to the official Cape Verdean alphabet, ALUPEC, by Manuel Veiga.

"Acentuação num clic," in Portuguese and CVC (pdf)

A written introduction to the use of accents in the official Cape Verdean alphabet, ALUPEC, by Manuel Veiga.


Spanish to Kriolu phrase translation (online)

A collection of introductory phrases, numbers, etc., with CVC and Spanish translations.

Where can I read in CVC online?

Odju d'Agu (online)

The blog of Manuel Veiga, CVC language expert and advocate, former Minister of Culture of Cape Verde, and director of the Master's Degree in Creolistics and the Cape Verdean Language program, University of Cape Verde.

Ofisializason di Kriolu ka ten tadju (online)

The blog of Agnelo Montrond, CVC language instructor (Massasoit Community College) and language advocate.

FORCV (online)

A leading Cape Verdean diaspora news site, based in the United States. Articles published in CVC regularly.

A Nação (online)

A leading Cape Verdean news site. Articles published in CVC regularly.

What books can I use to study or translate CVC?

CVC only:

Diskrison Strutural di Lingua Kabuverdianu (book)

A CVC grammatical study, written only in CVC.


Pa Nu Papia Kriolu (English-CVC) (book)

An English language textbook and 2-CD set for beginners learning CVC.


Dictionnaire français - cap-verdien, dicionário francês - cabo-verdiano, disionári fransés - berdiánu (créole de Santiago - crioulo santiaguense - badiu) (book)

A French-CVC dictionary, Santiago dialect of CVC.

Le cochon qui tord la queue - Gó ki pórka dja torsi rábu - Agora é que a porca torce o rabo (book, cd)

A trilingual French-CVC-Portuguese illustrated children's book. CD audio book also available.

Le Créole Capverdien de Poche: Guide de conversation (book)

A French-CVC language pocket conversation guide for beginners or tourists.

Le créole du Cap-Vert: étude grammaticale descriptive et contrastive (book)

A French language grammatical study of CVC.

Le Loup, Le Lièvre et La Sorcière Tia Ganga - Lobu, Xibinhu ku Nha Tiâ Gánga (book)

A bilingual French-CVC illustrated children's tale. CD audio book also available.

Parlons capverdien: langue et culture (book)

A French language textbook for beginners learning CVC.


Dicionário do Crioulo da Ilha de Santiago (Cabo Verde): com equivalentes de tradução em alemão e português (book)

A CVC-German-Portuguese dictionary.


Dicionário do Crioulo da Ilha de Santiago (Cabo Verde): com equivalentes de tradução em alemão e português (book)

A CVC-German-Portuguese dictionary.

Le cochon qui tord la queue - Gó ki pórka dja torsi rábu - Agora é que a porca torce o rabo (book, cd)

A trilingual French-CVC-Portuguese illustrated children's book. CD audio book also available.

Introdução à gramática do crioulo (book)

A Portuguese language introductory grammar of CVC.

O Caboverdiano em 45 Lições (book)

A Portuguese-CVC textbook for beginners learning CVC.

Proposta de Bases do Alfabeto unificado para a Escrita do Cabo-verdiano (Grupo para a padronização do alfabeto) (book)

A Portuguese-CVC book introducing ALUPEC, the official CVC alphabet.

Where can I study CVC in a classroom?

Cape Verde:

University of Cape Verde, Praia, Cape Verde (online)


Centro Interculturacidade, Lisboa, Portugal (online)

Escola Superior de Educação João de Deus, Lisboa, Portugal (online)

United States:

Bristol Community College, Fall River, MA, USA (online)

Brockton High School, Brockton, MA, USA (online)

Harvard University African Language Program, Cambridge, MA, USA (online)

Jeremiah Burke High School, Dorchester, MA, USA (online)

Massasoit Community College, Brockton, MA, USA (online)

University of Massachusetts-Dartmouth, Dartmouth, MA, USA (online)

Other links of interest to those studying CVC

CVC only:

Prosésu di Afirmason y Valorizason di Língua Kabuverdianu (1975-2012), by Manuel Veiga (online)

The process of affirmation and valorization of the Cape Verdean language (1975-2012), by Manuel Veiga.

Direitos Humanos in CVC (translated by Orlanda Amarilis) (online)

The United Nations Declaration of Human Rights in CVC, translated by Orlanda Amarílis.


Como será implementado o ALUPEC (part 1, part 2)

A two-part interview with Manuel Veiga regarding the implementation of ALUPEC in Cape Verde.

Uma metáfora do Conhecimento em torno do Crioulo de Cabo Verde (online)

The homepage of the Master's Degree in Creolistics and the Cape Verdean Language program, University of Cape Verde. Regularly updated with news and information on CVC.

Asosiason Kabuverdianu pa Traduson di Bíblia (AKTB) (online)

The homepage of the Cape Verdean Association for the Translation of the Bible. Regularly updated with news and information on CVC.