

Amdjer de Nós Terra (A Woman of Our Land)
Balancê (Balance or "Swing")
Bida Mariadu (Bad Life or "Messed up Life" )
Biografia d'um Criol (Biography of a Creole)
Cize (Cize)
Desilusão dum Amdjer (A Woman's Disillusionment)
Di Alma (Of the Soul)
Fada (Fairy)
Fidjo Maguado (Wounded Child)
Fomi 47 (Famine '47)
Homem Na Meio Di' Homem (A Man Among Men)
Hora de Bai / Morna de Despidida (Moment of Departure / Morna of Farewell)
Isolada (Isolated)
Kabu Verdi, Un Dia (Cape Verde, One Day)
Lua (Moon)
Lua Nha Testemunha (The Moon Is My Witness)
Mar é Morada de Sodade (The Sea is the Home of Longing)
Mas Amor (More Love)
Nha Cancera ka Tem Medida (My Exhaustion Has No Bounds)
Nhâ Codé (My Codé)
Petit Pays (Little Country)
Porton d'nos Ilha (Gate of Our Islands)
Saiona d'Vinte Ano (Twenty Year Old Big Skirt)
Sodade (Sodade)
Sorte (Luck)
Sum of Me: Un Poku di Tude (A Little of All)
Vaquinha Mansa (Sweet Little Cow)
Vazulina (Vaseline)