
Transition cluster

Poem entitled "Kretxeu" from book of poems by Kaká Barboza (Carlos Alberto Barbosa)

Short story entitled "O Cacho de Dendém" from book of short stories by Fátima Bettencourt

Short story entitled "Conto No. 11" from a collection of short stories by G. T. Didial (João Manuel Varela)

Poem entitled "O poema primordial" by Vera Duarte

Poem entitled " hesperitanas " from book of poems by Filinto Elísio

Poem entitled "À Cidade da Praia" by Jorge Carlos Fonseca

Poem entitled "Raízes" by José Luís Hopffer Almada

Poem entitled "3 pedaços despenhados de Deus e o amor" and poem entitled "nu de portinari" by Oswaldo Osório

Short story entitled "Liberdade Adiada" from book of short stories by Dina Salústio

Short story/fable from collection of short stories by Tomé Varela da Silva

Short story entitled "VI" from collection of short stories by Mário Lúcio Sousa

Poem entitled "Crítica da Razão Poética" by José Luiz Tavares

Poem entitled "Bati com a Porta atrás de mim" from a collection of poems by Valentinous Velhinho

Poem entitled "Mulheres" from collection of poetry by Arménio Vieira

Artwork by Fátima Almeida

Artwork by Nela Barbosa

Artwork by Bela Duarte

Artwork by David Levy Lima

Artwork by Leão Lopes

Artwork by Misá

Artwork by Paulo Rosa

A note from Carla Martin

Due to space constraints, it was not possible to include all of the collected works in Transition 103. The authors, artists, and translators whose work could not be fit into the issue are currently working to find other spaces for publication. Details are provided here describing the unpublished selections. As these selections are published elsewhere, this page will be updated. To contact Carla Martin, please e-mail her at cdmartin AT post DOT harvard DOT edu.


A number of individuals provided support and expert guidance throughout the process of selection review, translation, and editing. We are most grateful for their generosity. Our hearty thanks go to Trevor Bass, Inês Brito, Steven Caton, Michel DeGraff, Osvaldo Dos Reis, Iolanda Évora, Adam McGee, Joaquim Morais, Salikoko Mufwene, John Mugane, Martina Nitzsche, Illiana Celia Quimbaya, José Augusto Sanches, Kay Kaufman Shelemay, Danny Spínola, Sandra Teixeira, Jorge Tolentino, and all of the authors, artists, translators, scholarly essay contributors, and editors involved in this project.