
Music > Bida Mariadu

Composer: Lura and Toy Vieira
Performer: Lura
Language: CVC

Bida Mariadu

Bad Life or "Messed up Life"

Áh ãh ãh

Áh ãh ãh

Eiá eiá eiá

Eiá eiá eiá

Nha fidju undi bu stá

My child where are you

Nha mãe m-bá djôbi bida

Mother, I have gone to see life

Bida tristi bida mariadu

This sad, messed up life

Pensa noti mó ki-n ta fasi

At night think of how I will do it

Corri dia nada-n ka t'atcha

Running all day and finding nothing

Oi disisperu ma mundu ê

Oh desperation but the world is

duêdu / ma Déus ê grandi

painful / but God is great

Áh ãh ãh

Áh ãh ãh'

Eiá eiá eiá

Eiá eiá eiá

Nha fidju perta cintura

My child tighten your belt

Ka bu dizanima nau

Don't lose heart, no

Bida ka dadu di mon beijadu

Life never kisses your hand

Bu tem ki tem força di vontadi

You must have willpower

Na pobreza é pa spéra tempu

In poverty we must be patient

Leba ku koragi nos dia-a-dia

And bring courage in our daily lives

Maior é poder di Déus

The power of God is great

Fladu si nu poi mô nu ta djudadu

It is said that if we have faith we are helped

Nha fidju ka bu pára nau

My child don't you stop, no

Mó quem ki ta spera sempri t'alcança

He who hopes will always be rewarded