
Music > Lua Nha Testemunha

Composer: B. Léza
Performer: Cesária Évora
Language: CVC

Lua Nha Testemunha

The Moon Is My Witness

Bô ca ta pensa nha cretcheu

You can't think my dear

Nem bô ca ta imaginá

Nor can you imagine

C'ma longe di bô 'm tem sofrido

How I have suffered being away from you

Perguntá lua na ceu

Ask the moon in the sky

Lua nha companhera di solidâo

The moon, my companion of solitude

Lua vagabunda di espaço

The moon, wanderer of space

Qui conchê tudo nha vida

That knows all of my life

Nha desventura

And my misfortunes

El qui ta contá-bo nha cretcheu

She's the one who will tell you my dear

Tudo o qu'm tem sofrido

Al l that I have suffered

Na ausencia e na distancia

In your absence and with this distance

Mundo bô tem rolado cu mim

World, you have turned with me

Num jogo di cabra cega

In a game of blindman's bluff

Sempre ta persegui'me

Always chasing after me

Pa cada volta qui mundo da

For each turn the world makes

El ta trazê'me um dor

It brings me a sorrow

Pa'me tchigá mas pa Deus

To bring me closer to God