
Transition cluster

Poem entitled "Kretxeu" from book of poems by Kaká Barboza (Carlos Alberto Barbosa)

Short story entitled "O Cacho de Dendém" from book of short stories by Fátima Bettencourt

Short story entitled "Conto No. 11" from a collection of short stories by G. T. Didial (João Manuel Varela)

Poem entitled "O poema primordial" by Vera Duarte

Poem entitled " hesperitanas " from book of poems by Filinto Elísio

Poem entitled "À Cidade da Praia" by Jorge Carlos Fonseca

Poem entitled "Raízes" by José Luís Hopffer Almada

Poem entitled "3 pedaços despenhados de Deus e o amor" and poem entitled "nu de portinari" by Oswaldo Osório

Short story entitled "Liberdade Adiada" from book of short stories by Dina Salústio

Short story/fable from collection of short stories by Tomé Varela da Silva

Short story entitled "VI" from collection of short stories by Mário Lúcio Sousa

Poem entitled "Crítica da Razão Poética" by José Luiz Tavares

Poem entitled "Bati com a Porta atrás de mim" from a collection of poems by Valentinous Velhinho

Poem entitled "Mulheres" from collection of poetry by Arménio Vieira

Artwork by Fátima Almeida

Artwork by Nela Barbosa

Artwork by Bela Duarte

Artwork by David Levy Lima

Artwork by Leão Lopes

Artwork by Misá

Artwork by Paulo Rosa


Piece: Short story entitled "Liberdade Adiada" from book of short stories

Author: Dina Salústio

Book title: Mornas eram as noites

Publisher: Instituto da Biblioteca Nacional

City: Mindelo, São Vicente, Cape Verde

Year: 2002

Translated from Portuguese into English: Ellen Sapega

Author biography

Dina Salústio, a native of the island of Santo Antão, formerly worked in the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Cape Verdean educational radio programs, and as a member of the Organization of Cape Verdean Women. She has lived in Portugal, Angola, and Cape Verde. Her published work includes short stories, a novel, and award-winning illustrated children's books (among the first children's books to ever be published in Cape Verde). Other publications include: A Louca de Serrano and Violência Contra as Mulheres.

Translator biography

Professor Ellen Sapega of the University of Wisconsin-Madison specializes in 20th century Portuguese literature and culture. Her publications include articles and book chapters on Fernando Pessoa, Mário de Sá-Carneiro, memory, visual culture and commemoration since the late 19th century, and the contemporary Portuguese novel. She is the author of Ficções Modernistas: Um Estudo da Obra em Prosa de José de Almada Negreiros (Lisboa: Instituto de Cultura e Língua Portuguesa) and Consensus and Debate in Salazar's Portugal: Visual and Literary Negotiations of the National Text (Forthcoming-Penn State UP). Professor Sapega is currently at work on a project that examines cultural productions of the Cape Verdean diaspora in Europe and the U.S. She is also the co-editor of the Luso-Brazilian Review.