
Transition cluster

Poem entitled "Kretxeu" from book of poems by Kaká Barboza (Carlos Alberto Barbosa)

Short story entitled "O Cacho de Dendém" from book of short stories by Fátima Bettencourt

Short story entitled "Conto No. 11" from a collection of short stories by G. T. Didial (João Manuel Varela)

Poem entitled "O poema primordial" by Vera Duarte

Poem entitled " hesperitanas " from book of poems by Filinto Elísio

Poem entitled "À Cidade da Praia" by Jorge Carlos Fonseca

Poem entitled "Raízes" by José Luís Hopffer Almada

Poem entitled "3 pedaços despenhados de Deus e o amor" and poem entitled "nu de portinari" by Oswaldo Osório

Short story entitled "Liberdade Adiada" from book of short stories by Dina Salústio

Short story/fable from collection of short stories by Tomé Varela da Silva

Short story entitled "VI" from collection of short stories by Mário Lúcio Sousa

Poem entitled "Crítica da Razão Poética" by José Luiz Tavares

Poem entitled "Bati com a Porta atrás de mim" from a collection of poems by Valentinous Velhinho

Poem entitled "Mulheres" from collection of poetry by Arménio Vieira

Artwork by Fátima Almeida

Artwork by Nela Barbosa

Artwork by Bela Duarte

Artwork by David Levy Lima

Artwork by Leão Lopes

Artwork by Misá

Artwork by Paulo Rosa


Piece: Short story entitled "Conto No. 11" from a collection of short stories

Author: G. T. Didial (João Manuel Varela)

Book title: Contos da Macaronésia - I

Publisher: Ilhéu Editora

City: Mindelo, São Vicente, Cape Verde

Year: 1992

Translated from Portuguese into English by: Christopher Larkosh

Author biography

João Manuel Varela, who wrote under the pseudonyms G. T. Didial and João Vário, is widely considered one of Cape Verde's most important post-independence authors. Trained in medicine in Portugal and Belgium, he led a long and productive career as a neurosurgeon and professor in Antwerp, Angola, Portugal, and Cape Verde. He also published numerous books of stories, poetry, and novels. The author passed away in 2007 at his home on the island of São Vicente. His death was mourned publicly in Cape Verde and has led to a revival of the reading of his work. Other publications include: Exemplo Coevo and O Primeiro e o Segundo Livros de Notcha.

Translator biography

Christopher Larkosh is Assistant Professor of Portuguese at the University of Massachusetts Dartmouth, and Director of the UMD Summer Program in Portuguese. He has published translations of poetry and prose from Portuguese, German, and French, as well as his own scholarly work in Translation Studies, Comparative Literature and Cultural Studies in academic journals such as Translation Studies, Portuguese Literary & Cultural Studies, Contemporary French and Francophone Studies/Sites, TTR, TOPIA and Social Dynamics. He is currently editing a volume of articles entitled Re-Engendering Translation (forthcoming with St. Jerome Publishing), co-editing a volume on German-Brazilian intercultural encounters, and writing a book on diaspora and globalization in the Portuguese-speaking world.